About Full
Throttle Ministries
When Derek at Blairsville Web Design asked me for some type of bio, introductory, or whatever you want to call it, I honestly did not know where to begin. The short, long, and simple version of myself, I suppose, would be that I grew early, living crazy, and, at a young age, fell deeply in love with some serious “go-fast” things. I had been in church my whole life, but at 18 years old, I made a physical decision to give my life to the Lord.
I lived like a saint for about seven days, and I say that jokingly, but it’s the truth. After that, for many, many years, I lived a good life I guess you could say, but I always had the longing addiction for extreme speed. What started out as street racing and landing my butt in jail a time or two turned to being stupid, I ended up in a serious hobby called drag racing.
From buying, to building different cars, the desire to go faster and faster consumed me, and I ended up in a position where fast wasn’t fast enough. I dreamt of running 200 mph, & finally ran 228 mph, but, my cup was still empty, and that just wasn’t fast enough! Surviving life itself, and living through many different circumstances, 20 years elapsed since I made a commitment to the Lord. I realized my addiction to speed took priority over my savior that I call, "JESUS".
I re-dedicated my life to the Lord, raced my last race, and in 2011, sold my entire operation. I took my first mission trip ever, shared my testimony for the first time, and through my journey, I realized the Lord had placed a calling upon my life to share the Gospel.
I made a deal with the Lord: if HE would continue to sustain me, I would always speak the words he told me to speak, the very moment HE told me to speak, and would always share HIS word, to the best of my ability, sharing it with the same passion in which I once chased going Full Throttle in a dragster.
Always having had a passion for barbecue, the Lord laid a desire on my heart to build a barbecue trailer, use it for Ministry, and somehow tie all that together to deliver the Gospel message. My heart has always been in outreach ministry, and doing GOD’s work outside the church walls. The fact is, so many people will never cross the threshold of a church, and it’s our job as Christians to take the message to the highways. That was over 7,000 pork butts ago, and I am still rolling Full Throttle today.
Having traveled all over this great country cooking Full Throttle BBQ, feeding, and preaching in many churches, parking lots, in the woods, in the streets, and all across this land, I’ve ridden well over 100,000 miles on a Harley as a "motorcycle minister".
Ministry is hard, and ministry has cost me many things. I’ve certainly made many mistakes that I now call serious "life lessons", which I often share with the hope of saving others from future heartache.
At several different points in my life, I did not think I would survive the storms that were blowing against my heart’s door, but somehow I have made it through. Acquiring many things, & losing many things, the Lord was always there, and he never left my side.
Looking back now, I can see how I had to go through some of the things that I have to prepare me to minister in so many different areas of people's lives. It is really hard to relate to someone if you have never experienced and lived through it. At this point, I believe I have been through just about everything, but as soon as I settle on that thought in my heart, it will be out of the blue that something else will arise, and it’ll yet again be another opportunity to see GOD work, and another opportunity for me to relate and minister to someone down the road.
My doctrine is simple: I believe without question, that you must be born again to ever see heaven, and you’ve got to repent your sins, ask JESUS into your heart, and ask HIM for forgiveness. We’ve all sinned, and we’ve all missed the mark in our lives, but HE is a good GOD, and he’s available to you if you’ll only ask!
HE is a good, GOOD Father, and be it through food, preaching, or just general conversation, I’d love the opportunity to share all I’ve seen and experienced in this life, and most of all, to share HIS goodness in my life, HIS grace, and HIS unending forgiveness & grace.
Be blessed, & thank you for checking out the website!
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